Global warming has an effect on polar bears's lives. First, pollution from gases, oil and coal affects negtively on bears' lives. second, the high temperature in the Arctic puts bears' lives in danger; third burning of waste and pollution released by factories must be reduced. Finally, polar bears' lives are still in danger. Therefore we should put all the necessary efforts into portecting them.
Is the world boiling? Global warming, or what some scientists call climate change or climate disaster, can be defined simply as the high temperature in the earth, which some think may cause an environmental and humanitarian disasters Climate change and high temperature are not that controversial because they are already happening; temperatures are measured every day and compared with other records in the past, higher temperature is a facts The problem is not in the high temperatures, but the reason for this rise; people interested in the environment say that the impact of pollution caused by humans from the various materials consumption is the main reason for the higher temperatures. Despite this laws have been designed to protect polar bears, who are suffering from this problem, especially restrictions that prevented polar bear hunting. But the future of these animals is still unsafe. The threat of global warming is equal to the threat of terrorism. In other words, global warming does not differentiate between people or animals; therefore, we should all work to fight this disaster. Shaoni Bhattacharya
Human activities have increased since the industrial revolution and cause different problems such as greenhouse gases which is threaten many lives on the plant earth. In “global warming threatens millions of species” by Shaoni Bhattacharya. The author states; “ global warming may drive a quarter of land animals and plants to the edge of extinction by 2050, a major international study had warned”(2004, para. 1). The area of the Arctic is shrinking because of the ice melting as a result of the global warming. According to Revink (2007), the floating ice is shrinking in the Arctic more than in other year. Therefore the lives’ of polar bears are in danger. In “Experts Predict Polar Bear Decline” the author said, "40 members of the polar bear specialist group of the world conservation union concluded that the imposing white carnivores--the world’s largest bear should now be classified as a 'vulnerable' species based on a likely 30 percent decline in their worldwide population over the next 35 to 50 years. There are now 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears across the Arctic” (2005, para. 2). Moreover the numbers of polar bears are decreased as a direct impact of global warming.
First of all, as humans we have daily requirements, such as energy, including electricity, natural gas, and gasoline, as well as operation of machines by burning fuels such as oil or coal. Those gases release other gases to the air which cause problems such as the greenhouse heat, ozone hole and air pollution, which makes the lives of some organisms in danger. One of those lives is that of the polar bear. In “Global warming could starve polar bears” the author said, “climate change is threatening polar bears with starvation by shortening their hunting season, according to a study by scientists from the Canadian Wildlife Service” (1999, para. 1). On the other hand, scientists are currently working on different kinds of alternative energy which are much safer for human use and which keep the environment as free from pollution as possible, such as bioenergy; also, these use of water as an alternative energy that cars and other forms of transportation can use instead of chemicals that could make the situation much worse.
Next, we must preserve the environment and wildlife. Moreover, the environment suffers, as well as organisms such as animals and frost which can not defend themselves against what humans do. The high temperature in the Arctic as a result of pollution caused by modern technology put the polar bears’ lives in danger(ice melting). J. Carlton said, “scientists for the first time have documented multiple deaths of polar bears off Alaska, where they likely drowned after swimming long distances in the ocean amid the melting of the Arctic ice shelf…, the bears spend most of their time hunting and raising their young on ice floes” (2005, para. 1). As a result, some organizations seek to find some natural reserve to protect the polar bears from extinction. But, the problem is if the all thte efforts that the organization make to protect these species dose not receive a full support from governments and individuals to Assist in stoping this threat, the results of these efforts will be nothing.
Finally, it is the duty of the developed countries to reduce the pollution by establishing strict laws. The burning of waste and pollution released by factories must be under control. J. Carlton said, “while the government researchers won’t speculate on why climate change is taking place in the Arctic, environmentalists unconnected to the survey say U.S. emphasizing oil and gas development are exacerbating global warming which is accelerating the melting of the ice. “ ‘For anyone who has wondered how global warming and reduced sea ice will affect polar bears, the answer is simple - they die, said Richard Steiner, a marine-biology professor at the university of Alaska” (2005, para. 5). Moreover. Usually LDCs try to do as what MDCs have done. They will not care about the environment or the speices as much as they care about the income. Thereefre the developed countries should change their regulations to avoid the imitation from other countries.
Many scientists as well as some politicians deny that human activities may cause global warming and attribule the global warming to the natural activities such as volcanoes and forest fires. In "what global warming debate?” the author said “Scientists have conducted a number of ‘attribution studies’ that compare observed changes in the global climate with those factors that are known to influence climate. These studies indicate that the climate change observed over the 20th century is due to a combination of changes in solar radiation, volcanic activity, land-use change, and increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases. Of these, greenhouse gases appear to be the dominant driver of climate change over the past few decades“ (2005, para. 2). I think that the writer did not hit the nail on the head. In other words, we can not deny that the human activities are one of the main causes of environmental pollution In “global warming human fingerprints” the author said, “In its 2001 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.Carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning and land clearing has been accumulating in the atmosphere, where it acts like a blanket keeping Earth warm and heating up the surface, ocean, and atmosphere. As a result, current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years”(n.d., para. 2). Moreover, the fast increasing in temperatures is one kind of the evidence that did not previously exist in the past. Thus, we can conclude that there are some activities that help to raise the temperatures including the human activities.
In conclusion, in the midst of this battle about whether global warming kills polar bears and what the main reason for global warming are, the numbers of Polar Bears are decreasing seriously. It is important to find alternative energy and it is the duty of governments to preserve the environment and species and seek to find effective and quick solutions to stop the disaster. Regardless of who is the main cause of the global warming effects. global warming dos not diffentdt are between its threats to the accused and the innocent. As global citizens we should work together to stop any danger that may threaten our lives or the environment around us. Yet, we should not wait until the last moment just In searching for the cause rather than finding real solutions wither we know the real cause or not.
Carlton, J.(2005,December 14). Is global warming killing the polar bears? The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Nov 1, 2007 from http://www.online.com
Global warming could starve polar bears. (1999, Noverber 15) . BBC News. Retrieved Nov 1,2007 from http://www.bbc.com
What global warming debate? (2005, May 1) Mother Jones Retrieved Nov 10, 2007 from http://www.motherjones.com
(n.d) global warming 101human fingerprints. Union of concerned scientists. Retrieved Nov 10,2007 from http://www.ucsusa.org
Saturday, December 8, 2007
the worst thing about carbondale weather is that we dont know what will happen tomorrow unless you watch hte weather or news. Sometimes, the weather in carbondale looks pleasant and great at night, but suddenly in the morning the weather change to terrible and unpleasant. Also, in carbondale the temperature is sometims unstable; it may be very normal at day and cold at night like what happended last night. However my way to understand the weather here is when i wake up every morning i open the window and predict what will happen durnign the day and adjust myself according to that. In addition, i always adjust the AC to the middle becaus if the weather changes to cold i still have some heat and if changes to warm weather the AC won't work because it is in the middle.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Usually food is the first thing that people like to know about if they go somewhere in this world. American people like to test the Asian food, Arabic people like to find out how the western food is. Whoever, food is food, but what makes it different is the spices that people use in their food or the way that food is cooked. In Bahrain we like seafood, but the way we cook our seafood is totally different from what they do in the fare east. Moreover, in Bahrain we like all kind of spices. We inherit our experience in who and when to use the spices from India and Iran. I have been in the U.S.A for more than one year. Food here is totally different from food in Bahrain. American people do not like spices in their food. I missed my favorite food, which is medium size fish whit rice and vegetable salad.
Imagine that you have a multibillion dollar business; would you be thinking about helping society in any way for free?. Most companies around the world operate in a system that works toward pure profit. Rare are the companies that work toward helping society besides profiting. Wal-Mart is one of the most successful and helpful companies to society. Wal-Mart is helpful to society in three ways; socially, economically and individually.
First of all, serving people, especially in social terms, is one of the ways to be successful at any project or company. One of the strategies that Wal-Mart uses is helping the community by providing large number of jobs. J. Hoeing said, " in 2005 Wal-Mart created 125,000 U.S jobs and is continuously adding thousands each month" (2004, para. 16). In fact it is noticeable that Wal-Mart has large numbers of staff of different ages, races and genders. For example Wal-Mart has old, young, black and white employees. Also Wal-Mart cares about poor people in the society. Wal-Mart provides important services such as donations to charity. For example, Wal-Mart has forms that poor people can fill out in order to get a monthly donation. Thus Wal-mart, considered one of the projects that serve the community.
Next, consumers around the world are looking for the best way to save money and time. People are different and they do not have the same budget. Wal-Mart noticed the differences in purchasing ability among people. J. Hoenig said "the truth is that all Wal-Mart is provide low prices,...." (2004. para. 6). For this reason it provides various materials at low prices. For example microwave at Wal-Mart is only for $25. Also it provides nearly all people need in one place to save consumers time and money. For example any customer can change his car oil by taking it to the car service section at Wal-Mart and do shopping at the same time.
Finally, it is difficult to convince customers to buy and return again. Wal-Mart has its way to persuading customers to come back and buy what they need from it. Most of the customers think about the parking and whether it is free or not before they go for shopping. Therefore it has huge and free parking. Moreover, Wal-Mart tries to convince customers by provides returning service. For example if any customer bought a video camera, but for any reason he/she is not satisfied Wal-Mart will return the money.
Opponents claim that Wal-Mart offered low quality products. However this argument comes from people who live in a different world, because many people currently think about how much the product costs them, regardless of the quality. Not all people can afford for product with high quality and high prices. For example, microwaves at Wal-Mart cost between $25 and $40 with good quality and that price is reasonable for many people who do not have that ability to buy a high quality microwave for $200. Also the cost of repairs would be high for the high quality products while it will not cost much for good and low price products. For example a customer can spend $25 for another microwave rather than spend another $100 to fix the high quality products. In conclusion Wal-Mart tries to help people in many different ways. E. Locke states that, " Wal-Mart is on of the most impressive stories in the history of business" ( 2004, para. 4).
In conclusion, Wal-Mart helps America socially by providing many jobs and donating to the charity; economically by having large stores that contain various goods for low prices, and individually, by providing a lot of services to make the shopping experience comfortable to customers. E. Locke mentioned that, “we should thank this great company for being so good at giving customers what they want that they make huge profits, which enables them to build more stores, hire more employees, give more profit opportunities to suppliers and make even more customers happy" (2004, para. 7). I believe that people who do not go to Wal-Mart will not know the meaning of shopping.
Hoenig, J. ( 2004, February ). Capitalism Magazine. Retrieved form http://www.camag.com
Locke, E. ( 2004, February). Capitalism Magazine.Retrieved form http://www.camag.com
First of all, serving people, especially in social terms, is one of the ways to be successful at any project or company. One of the strategies that Wal-Mart uses is helping the community by providing large number of jobs. J. Hoeing said, " in 2005 Wal-Mart created 125,000 U.S jobs and is continuously adding thousands each month" (2004, para. 16). In fact it is noticeable that Wal-Mart has large numbers of staff of different ages, races and genders. For example Wal-Mart has old, young, black and white employees. Also Wal-Mart cares about poor people in the society. Wal-Mart provides important services such as donations to charity. For example, Wal-Mart has forms that poor people can fill out in order to get a monthly donation. Thus Wal-mart, considered one of the projects that serve the community.
Next, consumers around the world are looking for the best way to save money and time. People are different and they do not have the same budget. Wal-Mart noticed the differences in purchasing ability among people. J. Hoenig said "the truth is that all Wal-Mart is provide low prices,...." (2004. para. 6). For this reason it provides various materials at low prices. For example microwave at Wal-Mart is only for $25. Also it provides nearly all people need in one place to save consumers time and money. For example any customer can change his car oil by taking it to the car service section at Wal-Mart and do shopping at the same time.
Finally, it is difficult to convince customers to buy and return again. Wal-Mart has its way to persuading customers to come back and buy what they need from it. Most of the customers think about the parking and whether it is free or not before they go for shopping. Therefore it has huge and free parking. Moreover, Wal-Mart tries to convince customers by provides returning service. For example if any customer bought a video camera, but for any reason he/she is not satisfied Wal-Mart will return the money.
Opponents claim that Wal-Mart offered low quality products. However this argument comes from people who live in a different world, because many people currently think about how much the product costs them, regardless of the quality. Not all people can afford for product with high quality and high prices. For example, microwaves at Wal-Mart cost between $25 and $40 with good quality and that price is reasonable for many people who do not have that ability to buy a high quality microwave for $200. Also the cost of repairs would be high for the high quality products while it will not cost much for good and low price products. For example a customer can spend $25 for another microwave rather than spend another $100 to fix the high quality products. In conclusion Wal-Mart tries to help people in many different ways. E. Locke states that, " Wal-Mart is on of the most impressive stories in the history of business" ( 2004, para. 4).
In conclusion, Wal-Mart helps America socially by providing many jobs and donating to the charity; economically by having large stores that contain various goods for low prices, and individually, by providing a lot of services to make the shopping experience comfortable to customers. E. Locke mentioned that, “we should thank this great company for being so good at giving customers what they want that they make huge profits, which enables them to build more stores, hire more employees, give more profit opportunities to suppliers and make even more customers happy" (2004, para. 7). I believe that people who do not go to Wal-Mart will not know the meaning of shopping.
Hoenig, J. ( 2004, February ). Capitalism Magazine. Retrieved form http://www.camag.com
Locke, E. ( 2004, February). Capitalism Magazine.Retrieved form http://www.camag.com
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Global warming and polar bears
Global warming and polar bears
Is the world boiling? Global warming, or what some scientists call climate change or climate disaster, can be defined simply as the high temperature in the earth, which some think may cause an environmental and humanitarian disasters climate change and high temperature are not that controversial because they are already happening; temperatures are measured every day and compared with other records in the past, higher temperature is a facts. The problem is not in the high temperatures, but the reason for this rise; people interested in the environment say that the impact of pollution caused by humans from the various materials consumption is the main reason for the higher temperatures. Despite this laws have been designed to protect polar bears, who are suffering from this problem, especially restrictions that prevented polar bear hunting. But the future of these animals is still unsafe. The threat of global warming is equal to the threat of terrorism. In other words, global warming does not differentiate between people or animals; therefore, we should all work to fight this disaster.
First of all, as humans we have daily requirements, such as energy, including electricity, natural gas, and gasoline, as well as operation of machines by burning fuels such as oil or coal. Those gases release other gases to the air which cause problems such as the greenhouse heat, ozone hole and air pollution, which makes the lives of some organisms in danger. One of those lives is that of the polar bear. In “Global warming could starve polar bears” the author said, “climate change is threatening polar bears with starvation by shortening their hunting season, according to a study by scientists from the Canadian Wildlife Service” (1999, para. 1). On the other hand, scientists are currently working on different kinds of alternative energy which are much safer for human use and which keep the environment free from pollution as possible, such as bioenergy; also, these use of water as an alternative energy that cars and other forms of transportation can use instead of chemicals that could make the situation much worse.
Next, we must preserve the environment and wildlife. Moreover, the environment suffers, as well as organisms such as animals and frost which can not defend themselves against what humans do. The high temperature in the Arctic as a result of pollution caused by modern technology put the polar bears’ lives in danger(ice melting). J. Carlton said, “scientists for the first time have documented multiple deaths of polar bears off Alaska, where they likely drowned after swimming long distances in the ocean amid the melting of the Arctic ice shelf…, the bears spend most of their time hunting and raising their young on ice floes” (2005, para. 1). As a result, some organizations seek to find some natural reserve to protect the polar bears from extinction.
Finally, it is the duty of the developed countries to reduce the pollution by establishing strict laws. The burning of waste and pollution released by factories must be under control. J. Carlton said, “while the government researchers won’t speculate on why climate change is taking place in the Arctic, environmentalists unconnected to the survey say U.S. emphasizing oil and gas development are exacerbating global warming which is accelerating the melting of the ice. “ ‘For anyone who has wondered how global warming and reduced sea ice will affect polar bears, the answer is simple - they die, said Richard Steiner, a marine-biology professor at the university of Alaska” (2005, para. 5)
In what global warming debate?. “the author said , “Scientists have conducted a number of ‘attribution studies’ that compare observed changes in the global climate with those factors that are known to influence climate. These studies indicate that the climate change observed over the 20th century is due to a combination of changes in solar radiation, volcanic activity, land-use change, and increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases. Of these, greenhouse gases appear to be the dominant driver of climate change over the past few decades“ (2005, para. 2). On the other hand, in global warming human fingerprints the author said, “ In its 2001 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities." Carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning and land clearing has been accumulating in the atmosphere, where it acts like a blanket keeping Earth warm and heating up the surface, ocean, and atmosphere. As a result, current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years”(n.d, para 2) Moreover, the fast increasing in temperatures is one kind of the evidence that did not previously exist and it shows that there are activities that help to raise it. But how some humans are involved in this case. Thus they should wait until the last moment as to whether we know the real cause or not.
In concluding, It is necessary to find the alternative energy and it is the duty of governments to preserve the environment and species and seek to find effective and quick solutions to stop the disaster. Regardless; of who is the main cause of the global warming effect, global warming has not difference between its treatent of the accused and the innocent. As global citizens we should work together to stop any danger that may threaten our life or the environment around us.
Carlton, J.(2005,December 14). Is global warming killing the polar bears? The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Nov 1, 2007 from http://www.online.com
Global warming could starve polar bears. (1999, Noverber 15) . BBC News. Retrieved Nov 1,2007 from http://www.bbc.com
What global warming debate? (2005, May 1) Mother Jones Retrieved Nov 10, 2007 from http://www.motherjones.com
(n.d) global warming 101human fingerprints. Union of concerned scientists. Retrieved Nov 10,2007 from http://www.ucsusa.org
Is the world boiling? Global warming, or what some scientists call climate change or climate disaster, can be defined simply as the high temperature in the earth, which some think may cause an environmental and humanitarian disasters climate change and high temperature are not that controversial because they are already happening; temperatures are measured every day and compared with other records in the past, higher temperature is a facts. The problem is not in the high temperatures, but the reason for this rise; people interested in the environment say that the impact of pollution caused by humans from the various materials consumption is the main reason for the higher temperatures. Despite this laws have been designed to protect polar bears, who are suffering from this problem, especially restrictions that prevented polar bear hunting. But the future of these animals is still unsafe. The threat of global warming is equal to the threat of terrorism. In other words, global warming does not differentiate between people or animals; therefore, we should all work to fight this disaster.
First of all, as humans we have daily requirements, such as energy, including electricity, natural gas, and gasoline, as well as operation of machines by burning fuels such as oil or coal. Those gases release other gases to the air which cause problems such as the greenhouse heat, ozone hole and air pollution, which makes the lives of some organisms in danger. One of those lives is that of the polar bear. In “Global warming could starve polar bears” the author said, “climate change is threatening polar bears with starvation by shortening their hunting season, according to a study by scientists from the Canadian Wildlife Service” (1999, para. 1). On the other hand, scientists are currently working on different kinds of alternative energy which are much safer for human use and which keep the environment free from pollution as possible, such as bioenergy; also, these use of water as an alternative energy that cars and other forms of transportation can use instead of chemicals that could make the situation much worse.
Next, we must preserve the environment and wildlife. Moreover, the environment suffers, as well as organisms such as animals and frost which can not defend themselves against what humans do. The high temperature in the Arctic as a result of pollution caused by modern technology put the polar bears’ lives in danger(ice melting). J. Carlton said, “scientists for the first time have documented multiple deaths of polar bears off Alaska, where they likely drowned after swimming long distances in the ocean amid the melting of the Arctic ice shelf…, the bears spend most of their time hunting and raising their young on ice floes” (2005, para. 1). As a result, some organizations seek to find some natural reserve to protect the polar bears from extinction.
Finally, it is the duty of the developed countries to reduce the pollution by establishing strict laws. The burning of waste and pollution released by factories must be under control. J. Carlton said, “while the government researchers won’t speculate on why climate change is taking place in the Arctic, environmentalists unconnected to the survey say U.S. emphasizing oil and gas development are exacerbating global warming which is accelerating the melting of the ice. “ ‘For anyone who has wondered how global warming and reduced sea ice will affect polar bears, the answer is simple - they die, said Richard Steiner, a marine-biology professor at the university of Alaska” (2005, para. 5)
In what global warming debate?. “the author said , “Scientists have conducted a number of ‘attribution studies’ that compare observed changes in the global climate with those factors that are known to influence climate. These studies indicate that the climate change observed over the 20th century is due to a combination of changes in solar radiation, volcanic activity, land-use change, and increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases. Of these, greenhouse gases appear to be the dominant driver of climate change over the past few decades“ (2005, para. 2). On the other hand, in global warming human fingerprints the author said, “ In its 2001 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities." Carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning and land clearing has been accumulating in the atmosphere, where it acts like a blanket keeping Earth warm and heating up the surface, ocean, and atmosphere. As a result, current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years”(n.d, para 2) Moreover, the fast increasing in temperatures is one kind of the evidence that did not previously exist and it shows that there are activities that help to raise it. But how some humans are involved in this case. Thus they should wait until the last moment as to whether we know the real cause or not.
In concluding, It is necessary to find the alternative energy and it is the duty of governments to preserve the environment and species and seek to find effective and quick solutions to stop the disaster. Regardless; of who is the main cause of the global warming effect, global warming has not difference between its treatent of the accused and the innocent. As global citizens we should work together to stop any danger that may threaten our life or the environment around us.
Carlton, J.(2005,December 14). Is global warming killing the polar bears? The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Nov 1, 2007 from http://www.online.com
Global warming could starve polar bears. (1999, Noverber 15) . BBC News. Retrieved Nov 1,2007 from http://www.bbc.com
What global warming debate? (2005, May 1) Mother Jones Retrieved Nov 10, 2007 from http://www.motherjones.com
(n.d) global warming 101human fingerprints. Union of concerned scientists. Retrieved Nov 10,2007 from http://www.ucsusa.org
Planning for vacation is not the easiest thing you can do. Where, how, who and how much. All those questions got to be answerd before starting any vacation It is difficult to choose a place to hade to. However, in my vacation I am going to Maldives Island. The first thing that I am going to think about when I get there is diving. Diving in one of the most interesting sports ever. Despite the danger that divers might face underwater,the beauty of Maldives' virgin beaches could let them forget any kind of faer. Also , in Maldives Island I can enjoy the hot sands during the day, to mention the oil and mud massage. In addition, In Maldives I can choose between different kind of hotels, some hotels are are located in the water and some on hte land. As I like fishing I will choose offshore hotels to enjoy fishing through a small hole in the living room.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
In the dark ages people used at walk. Walking was the only way to go from one place to another. After, hundreds of years people started to use animals in their transportation, like camels and horses. Since, humans started to understand that they have alternative solutions to develop the way that they used to use by coming up with new inventions like rock and wood wheels to use in their transportation also to carry their needs. As a result, people at that time started to think about speed since they have wheels they need something that can carry them faster. Therefore, they invented stem machines. Unlike the dark ages we now have planes, cars, trains and ships. Accordingly, all those inventions drive people to think about transportation differently,like the invention of the time machine
Polar bear and global warming
In “ Is global warming killing the Polar bears?” by Jim Carlton, the author claims that Polar Bears are in danger because of the global warming. He added that some scientists witnessed multiple deaths of polar bears in their nautral habitat as a result of ice melting. According to the author, polar bears can swim for long distances. Yet, polar bears need to get some rest during their swim on a small floating ice piece; otherwise, polar bears may face the danger of drowning. Therefore, many international organizations such as Greenpeace understand the great danger of global warming and what its influence on polar bear’s environment is. Despite, the efforts staged by many governments to try to end this threat, polar bears are still in danger. I believe that all governments and the interested organizations must work together to stop this threat.
First of all, the threat of global warming is a real threat not only to the nature , but
also to threatens human. The current change witnessed by the world in the climate and high temperatures it caused for several reasons, such as pollution from the industrial cities around the world. Also, the indiscriminate destruction of forests, and pollution from individuals through the use of vehicles have added up to make the global warming. As a result, global warming has caused contraction in the area of the Arctic and increasing the temperature in that area. Therefore, neglecting this serious issue by the governments and organizations may cause several disasters.
Next, most natural disasters in the world like floods, forest fires and sea pollution have many causes including human. Also, the industrial revolution has made people have forget disasters that may occur as a consequence of pollution from factories and chemical plants. Therefore, the continued progress of the development could lead to deliberate further disaster if we do not take the necessary precautions.
Finally, the melting ice in the Arctic threatens the lives of Polar bears. According the author, some scientist witnessed polar bears deaths as a result of the shrinking space in that area. the high temperature plays a key role in ice melting. Thus, all governments and other organizations should stop this disaster by creating effective solutions to ensure the progress for humanity and the preservation of natural wildlife.
In conclusion, it is the duty of governments and organizations to fight the threat to the life of the polar bear. Moreover, Arctic climate change is the result of the latest pollution caused by human; therefore, it is their duty to devote all efforts to reduce the danger that may threaten human life before bear’s life. In addition the high ratio of sea water and changing climates around the globe may be the end of the evolution which humans seek.
Carlton, J.(2005,December 14). Is global warming killing the polar bears? The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Nov 1, 2007 from http://www.online.com
First of all, the threat of global warming is a real threat not only to the nature , but
also to threatens human. The current change witnessed by the world in the climate and high temperatures it caused for several reasons, such as pollution from the industrial cities around the world. Also, the indiscriminate destruction of forests, and pollution from individuals through the use of vehicles have added up to make the global warming. As a result, global warming has caused contraction in the area of the Arctic and increasing the temperature in that area. Therefore, neglecting this serious issue by the governments and organizations may cause several disasters.
Next, most natural disasters in the world like floods, forest fires and sea pollution have many causes including human. Also, the industrial revolution has made people have forget disasters that may occur as a consequence of pollution from factories and chemical plants. Therefore, the continued progress of the development could lead to deliberate further disaster if we do not take the necessary precautions.
Finally, the melting ice in the Arctic threatens the lives of Polar bears. According the author, some scientist witnessed polar bears deaths as a result of the shrinking space in that area. the high temperature plays a key role in ice melting. Thus, all governments and other organizations should stop this disaster by creating effective solutions to ensure the progress for humanity and the preservation of natural wildlife.
In conclusion, it is the duty of governments and organizations to fight the threat to the life of the polar bear. Moreover, Arctic climate change is the result of the latest pollution caused by human; therefore, it is their duty to devote all efforts to reduce the danger that may threaten human life before bear’s life. In addition the high ratio of sea water and changing climates around the globe may be the end of the evolution which humans seek.
Carlton, J.(2005,December 14). Is global warming killing the polar bears? The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Nov 1, 2007 from http://www.online.com
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Bahrain, whichmeans " two seas " is a small island in the Gulf sea. A causeway connecs Bahrain to Saudi Arabia. It has a population of about 700,000 and Islam is the religion in it. people will be amazed when they get to Bahrain for the time. It is known for gerat hospitality and poeple there are frindaly and they welcome tourists all the time. People who visit Bahrain have diverse choices; for example, they can stay at any one of the multiple five stars hotels in the capital city (Manama) or they can go to one of three islands that include all that touuists need such as hotels, restaurants and entertainment facilities, not to mention the warm beaches. Tourists usually like Bahrain's food. They can try "Mahammer" which is sea food; aslo they can try ' Majboos Hamoore" whcih bahrainies use to welcome there guests.
Monday, October 29, 2007
SAUDI ARABIA is located in the Middle East. it is considered as one of the hottest areas in the world in the summer. In the winter Saudi Arabia usually gets few days of rain ann it gets very rear reachng zero degrees. However, Saudi Arabia has noticed changes in the weather. Recently, the temperature in Saudi Arabia has gotten higher then befor during the summer. it was between 50 degrees and 55 in the hottest days, but now it is going beyond the 60s. Also, in the winter rain quantity is getting much more than befor with fluency days which are considered uncommon in that area. the expertise said the changes are one of the global warming results.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
friendship is the stongest relation that could happen for tow people or more. It does not nwcessarily happen for non-relative people. It could be between brothers or sisters, also it can be between sposes. the reason it is the strongest relation is that it dose not depend on ay any kind of material desires. Althaugh, many people can not feel others pain or happiness.but good friends do. Good frineds never wait until you ask for help, because they know when they should be there for you. Furthermore, some good frineds care about their frineds more then theselves . yet, we can not know whether someone is a good frined or not unless we have experience with them.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My Great Weekend
This past weekend, I went to Rend Lake with my friends and we had good time. We swam even though it rained. We played volleyball and soccer. The best part of the weekend was when these beautiful American girls asked if they could play volleyball with us. I flirted with them even though they had a couple of American boys with them. Afterwards we had a drink with them and we ended up making friends with them.
The same night we went to Pinch Penny's. We met the same people there and they got drunk. My friends and I had good time even though we didn't get drunk. Overall it was a very eventful weekend.
The same night we went to Pinch Penny's. We met the same people there and they got drunk. My friends and I had good time even though we didn't get drunk. Overall it was a very eventful weekend.
Friday, May 4, 2007
I have visited http://www.ias.org.uk/ It is about drinking and it talks about What the factors are that may make a person accept drinking; also they found that there was a direct link between the causes of adolescent males and females drink and their relationship with their parents. Also, some research showed that there are various things that led peopl to drink such as social and psychological factorsa s well as peers.
Now drinking is widespread among youth groups, and it must be a serious issue. Most of the young people are unaware of the seriousness of this issue. Therefore, I think it is the duty of governments and parents Inordr to help young people from this risk.
Now drinking is widespread among youth groups, and it must be a serious issue. Most of the young people are unaware of the seriousness of this issue. Therefore, I think it is the duty of governments and parents Inordr to help young people from this risk.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I have accessed http://www.hop.com/biglove This site belongs to HBO TV station. It contains several links like the one that shows the programs presented at the screen. Big Love is one the programs that is presented now, and is talking about the polygamy. In addition, there is a link that talks about the big love show. Also there are some interviews with some actors who work for big love show.
Polygamy is when you have more than one wife at the same time. There are many views about polygamy around the world. In my opinion religions are behind these differences. However, some religions like ISLAM allowed polygamy for many reasons. On the other hand, it has many difficult conditions to ensure the interactions and rights of all parties, particularly justice, equality, food, clothing, expense and mercy. At the time many societies denied it. As a result, prohibited and illegal sexual relationships became acceptable. Therefore these societies often have illegitimate children or foundlings more then the societies that accept it.
Polygamy is when you have more than one wife at the same time. There are many views about polygamy around the world. In my opinion religions are behind these differences. However, some religions like ISLAM allowed polygamy for many reasons. On the other hand, it has many difficult conditions to ensure the interactions and rights of all parties, particularly justice, equality, food, clothing, expense and mercy. At the time many societies denied it. As a result, prohibited and illegal sexual relationships became acceptable. Therefore these societies often have illegitimate children or foundlings more then the societies that accept it.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
The web site that I visited was http://www.slowlane.com Generally SLOWLANE is talking about the fathers who stay home with their children. However the site contains stories about stay-at-home dads, SAHD, from around the country to help other SAHDs. Also the site indicates a new book called "The man who would be Dad"by Hogan Hilling. It helps fathers to understand the meaning of being dad. In addition to that the site tries to clarify the picture to the husband about the mothers and what they may feel by recommending a book called, "Anatomy of a Working Mom's Brain" Nevertheless the site has many links that may help SAHDs to be familiar with the recent developments in this area.
In my opinion this site might be useful for some, but it is not my cup of tea. I think if the father stays at home while wives drive to work it is fully opposite of nature. I am not against the womens rights, but every person must carry out his/her natural duties. Nonetheless, cooperation between the spouses is required. On the other hand if the wife is not around for any reason the husband for sure will take place of the mother. As a result, the fathers will look for help around.
In my opinion this site might be useful for some, but it is not my cup of tea. I think if the father stays at home while wives drive to work it is fully opposite of nature. I am not against the womens rights, but every person must carry out his/her natural duties. Nonetheless, cooperation between the spouses is required. On the other hand if the wife is not around for any reason the husband for sure will take place of the mother. As a result, the fathers will look for help around.
Monday, February 26, 2007
www.Johnnycash.com 

The site contains a very wonderful wonderful pictures for jonny, and it's the offical site.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Farm

I have visited ( http://www.jessejames.org/). it is shows how the people of Missouri like Jesse James by creating an organization called"The Friends of the James Farm" and you can become a member. As a "Friend" in that organization by superscribe which is help for takeing care of that farm.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
There is a big controversy all around the world about how to reduce crime! Nevertheless, there are a lot of tries to do it . Many people asked What is the crime ? It is any attitude against the norm of the society, but we shouldn’t forget the differences between how people look at crimes specially deviant crimes. However education, economy and families are the biggest reasons to make any person to commit crime.
First of all, young people have the highest rates of arrest for reported crime. Most of them are under the age of 25. In this age and below they must be students . If the student doesn’t understand what crime is ? and how to avoid it in that age, there is a big possibility to commit crimes, also they have to know what is the punishment for committing a crime.
Scand of all , socioeconomic status is very important reducing crimes. Because most of the crimes are being act for one thing ( money ) it is harder to keep out of trouble without it. However person with good jobs, halite insurance, and good plaice to live will rarely commit crimes .
Finally, the most important thing for any person form childhoods until adulthood is the family. How parents is raising their children! People how have fewer relationships are most likely to be involved in a crime. On the other hand a person with good family environment will be less likely to commit a crime.
In concluding, this time the number of crimes are decreasing. It is true that we watched our heard about crimes in the meantime, but most of the people are getting a good education and the economy is developing around the world, and people are being more aware of things around them. All those together will help to reduce crime
**(Academic Encounters) life in society
First of all, young people have the highest rates of arrest for reported crime. Most of them are under the age of 25. In this age and below they must be students . If the student doesn’t understand what crime is ? and how to avoid it in that age, there is a big possibility to commit crimes, also they have to know what is the punishment for committing a crime.
Scand of all , socioeconomic status is very important reducing crimes. Because most of the crimes are being act for one thing ( money ) it is harder to keep out of trouble without it. However person with good jobs, halite insurance, and good plaice to live will rarely commit crimes .
Finally, the most important thing for any person form childhoods until adulthood is the family. How parents is raising their children! People how have fewer relationships are most likely to be involved in a crime. On the other hand a person with good family environment will be less likely to commit a crime.
In concluding, this time the number of crimes are decreasing. It is true that we watched our heard about crimes in the meantime, but most of the people are getting a good education and the economy is developing around the world, and people are being more aware of things around them. All those together will help to reduce crime
**(Academic Encounters) life in society
What can blind see in their dreams
Most researchers believe that people who are blind from birth or who become blind in infancy do not see in their dreams. They do not retain visual imagery because it was never acquired in the first place.
However, those blinded in childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, or afterwards usually do see in their dreams. "They often retain visual imagery in their waking life and in their dreams," according to Drs Nancy Kerr of the Department of Psychology at Oglethorpe University and G. William Domhoff of the Department of Psychology at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
They write in the December 2004 issue of Dreaming that "individuals blinded before the age of about five report no visual imagery in dreams as adults, whereas those blinded after about the age of seven are likely to retain visual imagery in dreaming".
This conclusion is based upon four sleep laboratory studies conducted between 1966 and 1999. According to the Royal National Institute of the Blind in London: "Dreams are experienced in the same way as life is lived. If someone loses their sight, they will dream of events during the days when sight was available in visual terms. If dreams are about recent events when sight was not used, sensations will be in terms of sound, smell, texture, and so on." A person dreams as they live.
Can people have the same dream at the same time?
It is called simultaneous dreaming. This occurs when two or more people have the same dream. The dream need not occur at the same time to qualify as a simultaneous dream. But sometimes this happens too. There are no scientific studies of simultaneous dreaming.
However, there are a few anecdotal reports of simultaneous dreaming on the internet. It is usually mentioned in relationship to lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is the conscious perception of one's state while dreaming with the intended effect of having clearer dreams and to be able to control, focus, and utilise dreams to improve one's life.
can animals dream?
Besides humans, other animals probably dream too. According to Dr Allan Hobson, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, writing in the August 2003 issue of Discover: "Although it cannot be proved, it is reasonable to suppose that many animals see, hear, feel, and run in their sleep just as we do."
Most researchers agree that brain activity during dreaming functions to help keep body temperature stable during sleep. Body temperature stability during sleep is also necessary in mammals besides humans. There is also evidence that dreaming helps solidify memories. This would have a survival advantage in both humans and non-human animals. For these and other reasons, Dr Hobson concludes that it is logical to conclude that at least some animals probably do dream. Too bad they cannot tell us and remove all doubt. Perhaps they might some day? Dream on!
Most researchers believe that people who are blind from birth or who become blind in infancy do not see in their dreams. They do not retain visual imagery because it was never acquired in the first place.
However, those blinded in childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, or afterwards usually do see in their dreams. "They often retain visual imagery in their waking life and in their dreams," according to Drs Nancy Kerr of the Department of Psychology at Oglethorpe University and G. William Domhoff of the Department of Psychology at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
They write in the December 2004 issue of Dreaming that "individuals blinded before the age of about five report no visual imagery in dreams as adults, whereas those blinded after about the age of seven are likely to retain visual imagery in dreaming".
This conclusion is based upon four sleep laboratory studies conducted between 1966 and 1999. According to the Royal National Institute of the Blind in London: "Dreams are experienced in the same way as life is lived. If someone loses their sight, they will dream of events during the days when sight was available in visual terms. If dreams are about recent events when sight was not used, sensations will be in terms of sound, smell, texture, and so on." A person dreams as they live.
Can people have the same dream at the same time?
It is called simultaneous dreaming. This occurs when two or more people have the same dream. The dream need not occur at the same time to qualify as a simultaneous dream. But sometimes this happens too. There are no scientific studies of simultaneous dreaming.
However, there are a few anecdotal reports of simultaneous dreaming on the internet. It is usually mentioned in relationship to lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is the conscious perception of one's state while dreaming with the intended effect of having clearer dreams and to be able to control, focus, and utilise dreams to improve one's life.
can animals dream?
Besides humans, other animals probably dream too. According to Dr Allan Hobson, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, writing in the August 2003 issue of Discover: "Although it cannot be proved, it is reasonable to suppose that many animals see, hear, feel, and run in their sleep just as we do."
Most researchers agree that brain activity during dreaming functions to help keep body temperature stable during sleep. Body temperature stability during sleep is also necessary in mammals besides humans. There is also evidence that dreaming helps solidify memories. This would have a survival advantage in both humans and non-human animals. For these and other reasons, Dr Hobson concludes that it is logical to conclude that at least some animals probably do dream. Too bad they cannot tell us and remove all doubt. Perhaps they might some day? Dream on!
top ten wanted
The top ten wanted, is the website I have visited. It contents of ten pictures for the most dangerous criminals around the world who were still free. Each picture has an information about the criminal. Also there are many rewards for any one who can lead to those wanteds.I think is our responsibly to help the governments to drub those criminals down.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
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